Forehead Lift

Forehead Lift

Forehead/Eyebrowlift and blepharoplasty is often performed to restore a more youthful appearance and to reduce the look of sadness and tiredness. The procedures are popular for both men and women.

As we age we loose skin elasticity which can cause the the eyebrows and eyelids to drop, also give us horizontal lines in the forehead and vertical lines between the eyebrows.  The consequences can be both aesthetically and functionally disturbing as it can give a tired and sad appearance and cause for the muscle to constantly try to lift the eyebrows. A brow lift can significantly improve the lateral visual appearance.


A forehead/eyebrow lift is often done as a keyhole surgery (endoscopic) which gives minimal scars on the scalp, behind the hairline.  During the surgery the muscles are elevated, the excess sagging skin around the forehead that is causing the lines and the drop of the eyebrow are removed. Sometimes a coronal brow lift is performed which means a coronal incision is placed from ear to ear on the scalp parallel to the hairline. The coronal brow lift can elevate the forehead even further to create a more refreshed and rejuvenated face.


The surgery is done under general anaesthetic which means you be completely asleep and free from any pain. You will be able to go home the same day or the day after depending on which technique is used.

After Operation

Swelling and bruising may appear but should start to subside after 2-3 days. The sutures are usually removed after 1-2 weeks when you will also be able to see an improvement.

Before/After Photos

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Filtrera bilder Rensa Val
Längd (cm)
Vikt (kg)
53 år, 166 cm, 60 kg, 0 barn.
53 år, 166 cm, 60 kg, 0 barn.
22 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
22 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
46 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
46 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
50 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
50 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
47 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
47 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
20 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
20 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
31 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
31 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
34 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
34 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
21 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
21 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
21 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.
21 år, 0 cm, 0 kg, 0 barn.

Client Reviews

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation


We have chosen not to have a fixed price guide as every patient is unique and have different prerequisites. At the patient’s clinic consultation we will together discuss which surgical approaches and options are available to reach a beautiful and harmonious result. We always endeavour to be completely transparent at every stage of your journey with us which is why all prices quoted are complete and inclusive. There are no hidden extra costs. In the surgical cost we include: anaesthesia, medication, post op checks, compression garments and bras, meals and overnight stay where needed.

We include VAT in the cost we give you. Cosmetic treatments are since 2014/2015 VAT charged. There is no VAT on treatments and surgery that are performed for medical reasons.

Ingrepp/Behandling Från (inkl. moms)
Pann- och ögonbrynslyftning (endoskopiskt) 85 000 kr

Ingår: Logi, läkemedel, anestesi & kompressionsplagg

documents Forehead Lift


Det finns möjligheter att delbetala din behandling. Uppskatta din avbetalning nedan.
Lån: 10000 kr
Avbetalning: 10 mån
Din plan:
ca. 1000 kr/mån