Breast uplift/Mastopexy

Breast uplift/Mastopexy

Breast uplift is a common cosmetic procedure for women. It is sometimes combined with an implant.

The reasons behind breast uplift vary but most women find their breasts have lost shape, sitting low and feel disproportionate to their body.

Following pregnancy and breastfeeding the breasts often loses volume, drops lower and change in shape. A low sitting and loose bust can also be hereditary or occur after weight loss.


The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic, which means you be completely asleep and won’t be able to feel anything during the surgery. You will stay 1 night at the hospital if the procedure is combined with breast implants.


De första dagarna kommer det att strama och dra i såren men du kommer inte att ha mer ont än att det räcker med milda smärtstillande mediciner. Vi tillhandahåller alla mediciner du behöver.

Ofta träffas vi på återbesök efter en vecka för sårkontroll och efter tre veckor för stygnborttagning.


With a crescent lift technique a small part of skin above the nipple is removed. The incision will be shaped as half moon just above the areola. Sometimes more skin is needed to be removed where we place and an incision around the whole areola. If the breasts and nipples are significantly low a full Mastopexy can be done, it will leave a so called anchor scar.

Before/After pictures

In this gallery you can see our latest patients. You can also see all patients or search for patients with your conditions.

Filtrera bilder Rensa Val
Vikt (kg)
Längd (cm)
Implantat form
Implantatstorlek (g)
33 år, 167 cm, 57 kg
33 år, 167 cm, 57 kg
37 år, 170 cm, 58 kg, 2 barn.
37 år, 170 cm, 58 kg, 2 barn.
28 år, 174 cm, 62 kg, 2 barn.
28 år, 174 cm, 62 kg, 2 barn.
38 år, 168 cm, 59 kg
38 år, 168 cm, 59 kg
42 år, 165 cm, 55 kg
42 år, 165 cm, 55 kg
50 år, 165 cm, 68 kg, 220 cc
50 år, 165 cm, 68 kg, 220 cc
25 år, 163 cm, 60 kg, 0 barn.
25 år, 163 cm, 60 kg, 0 barn.
35 år, 165 cm, 57 kg, 170 cc
35 år, 165 cm, 57 kg, 170 cc
30 år, 170 cm, 67 kg, 1 barn, 345 cc
30 år, 170 cm, 67 kg, 1 barn, 345 cc
58 år, 162 cm, 52 kg, 2 barn, 240 cc
58 år, 162 cm, 52 kg, 2 barn, 240 cc

Client reviews


“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for

my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained

flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath

periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation


“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for

my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained

flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath

periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation


We have chosen not to have a fixed price guide as every patient is unique and have different prerequisites. At the patient’s clinic consultation we will together discuss which surgical approaches and options are available to reach a beautiful and harmonious result. We always endeavour to be completely transparent at every stage of your journey with us which is why all prices quoted are complete and inclusive. There are no hidden extra costs. In the surgical cost we include: anaesthesia, medication, post op checks, compression garments and bras, meals and overnight stay where needed.

Här kan du läsa mer om vad som ingår när du bokar en operation på Victoriakliniken.

We include VAT in the cost we give you. Cosmetic treatments are since 2014/2015 VAT charged. There is no VAT on treatments and surgery that are performed for medical reasons.

Ingrepp/Behandling Från (inkl. moms)
Bröstlyft 55 000 kr
Bröstförstoring + lyft 78 000 kr

Ingår: Logi, läkemedel, anestesi & kompressionsplagg

Document on breast lift


Det finns möjligheter att delbetala din behandling. Uppskatta din avbetalning nedan.
Lån: 10000 kr
Avbetalning: 10 mån
Din plan:
ca. 1000 kr/mån