Breast Reconstructive Surgery

Breast Reconstructive Surgery

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer for women in the western world, in Sweden 1 out of 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer. How much of the breast that needs to be removed in a mastectomy varies. Sometimes only a smaller part of the breast tissue needs to be removed and in some cases all breast tissue needs to be removed and a breast reconstruction is done at the same time. Often a breast reconstruction is done at a later stage.


Some women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer due to family genetics of breast cancer. When there is a significant history of breast cancer in the family an investigation should be completed. If an investigation shows that a women has an increased risk of breast cancer, a controlled program with regular breast screening is offered or alternatively a prophylactive risk-reducing mastectomy.


Usually a reconstruction of the breast is done at the same time as the mastectomy but due to the combination of these two surgeries there can be a loss in sensation.  It is important for women to understand the risk of numbness and loss of sensation when considering a risk reducing breast surgery. A breast can be recreated in 2 ways: A breast implant can be implanted or tissue from another body part, such as the lower abdomen, will be used to replace the removed breast tissue. Which technique is used is based on several factors, patients’ choice and physical prerequisites.


Sometimes smaller adjustments are needed after a breast reconstruction to create a satisfactory result. It can be change of implant, fat transfer or surgery to the healthy breast to create symmetry.

At Victoriakliniken we perform secondary breast reconstruction with implants, prophylactive/risk reducing mastectomy combined with implant including all type of surgical options following prior breast reconstruction with implants or tissue transfer

Client reviews

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for

my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained

flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath

periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for

my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained

flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath

periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation


We have chosen not to have a fixed price guide as every patient is unique and have different prerequisites. At the patient’s clinic consultation we will together discuss which surgical approaches and options are available to reach a beautiful and harmonious result. We always endeavour to be completely transparent at every stage of your journey with us which is why all prices quoted are complete and inclusive. There are no hidden extra costs. In the surgical cost we include: anaesthesia, medication, post op checks, compression garments and bras, meals and overnight stay where needed.

Här kan du läsa mer om vad som ingår när du bokar en operation på Victoriakliniken.

We include VAT in the cost we give you. Cosmetic treatments are since 2014/2015 VAT charged. There is no VAT on treatments and surgery that are performed for medical reasons.

Ingrepp/Behandling Från (inkl. moms)
Bröstrekonstruktion Pris enligt offert

Ingår: Logi, läkemedel, anestesi &kompressionsplagg


Det finns möjligheter att delbetala din behandling. Uppskatta din avbetalning nedan.
Lån: 10000 kr
Avbetalning: 10 mån
Din plan:
ca. 1000 kr/mån