How does breast augmentation work? - Our unique 5 P

How does breast augmentation work? - Our unique 5 P

1. Patient selection
As a doctor, daring to say: “I do not do this”, can be the most important thing. Sometimes the best surgery is the one that is not performed.

2. Proportional
The right implant for the right person, correctly placed, gives the right results – The golden ratio.

3. Planning
Everything follows a schedule. Nothing happens by chance, everything is done for a reason. Both drawing and implant selection.

4. Performance
To perform an optimal surgical flow where everyone knows their task, before, during and after surgery

5. Post-operative
Doctors, healthcare professionals and patients take responsibility after the operation, for best results, with follow-ups and guarantees.

Patient selection

Operating the right patients, on the right indication, is one of the most important factors in getting a good end result for the patients who are operated on.

Sometimes the best surgery is the one that is never done.

Safety first, is always our motto.


Operating the right patients, on the right indication, is one of the most important factors in getting a good end result for the patients who are operated on.

Choosing the right technique and implant based on a patient’s measurements and anatomical conditions gives an aesthetic result with few complications.

When you look at a face or a nose and decide which technique to use, it’s about finding a balance.

Striving to achieve the “golden ratio” creates harmony. Safety first, is always our motto.


Before each operation, the patient is photographed, even with a 3D camera. On the day of surgery, the patient is marked and drawn in detail.

Together with the patient, suitable implants are selected, based on the patient’s dimensions and conditions.

Medication and aftercare are also planned for each patient. In addition, the operating room is prepared very carefully according to fixed routines.


A skillfully performed operation is performed effectively, with minimal bleeding, and under controlled, sterile conditions for best long-term results.

Client review

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation


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