Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation with implants is the most common cosmetic procedure for women. The reasons for a breast augmentation varies but many women feels that their breast are disproportionate to the rest of their body.

Breast augmentation is also performed as reconstructive surgery for breast cancer survivors.

The treatment process

1. Patient selection
As a doctor, daring to say: “I do not do this”, can be the most important thing. Sometimes the best surgery is the one that is not performed.

2. Proportional
The right implant for the right person, correctly placed, gives the right results – The golden ratio.

3. Planning
Everything follows a schedule. Nothing happens by chance, everything is done for a reason. Both drawing and implant selection.

4. Performance
To perform an optimal surgical flow where everyone knows their task, before, during and after surgery

5. Post-operative
Doctors, healthcare professionals and patients take responsibility after the operation, for best results, with follow-ups and guarantees.

Before / after photos Breast augmentation

Over 300 pictures of breast augmentation!

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with your requirements.

Filtrera bilder Rensa Val
Vikt (kg)
Längd (cm)
Implantat form
Implantatstorlek (g)
24 år, 173 cm, 55 kg, 360cc
24 år, 173 cm, 55 kg, 360cc
37 år, 168 cm, 61 kg, 340 cc
37 år, 168 cm, 61 kg, 340 cc
37 år, 163 cm, 56 kg, 275 cc
37 år, 163 cm, 56 kg, 275 cc
43 år, 162 cm, 60 kg, 380 cc
43 år, 162 cm, 60 kg, 380 cc
21 år, 158 cm, 49 kg, 375 cc
21 år, 158 cm, 49 kg, 375 cc
38 år, 168 cm, 67 kg, 330 cc
38 år, 168 cm, 67 kg, 330 cc
25 år, 164 cm, 58 kg, 315 cc
25 år, 164 cm, 58 kg, 315 cc
24 år, 159 cm, 51 kg, 280 cc
24 år, 159 cm, 51 kg, 280 cc
22 år, 153 cm, 56 kg, 335 cc
22 år, 153 cm, 56 kg, 335 cc
19 år, 170 cm, 58 kg, 360 cc
19 år, 170 cm, 58 kg, 360 cc


There are many breast implants on the market. Victoriakliniken only use cohesive silicone gel, also known as ‘gummy bear’ implants. There is textured and Nano-textured coating on the surface of the implants.

Our most frequently used implants are round and “Ergonomix” from the manufactured Motiva, Establishment Labs. These implants have a nano-textured surface coating that yet feels smooth to the touch, a difference that is noticeable when compared to textured implants from other manufacturers. Motiva implants are very popular amongst patients and professionals alike as they feel and move like natural breasts.

Since 2005 we have also used micro-textured form stable anatomical implants from Mentor. They are included in the “CPG” (Contour Profile Gel) implant family group. They are a good alternative to use to correct asymmetries and for breasts that benefit from a bit of extra internal stability and structure.

The implants we use all have a lifetime guarantee from the
manufacturer, which means that they are replaced
free of charge if, for example, they break.


The implant can be placed behind and over the breast muscle. The incision is placed in the crease of the breast, also known as inframammary fold. This approach gives minimal risk of complications and best chances for scar healing. The location of the incision makes it almost impossible to see the scars in years to come.

Your unique genetic proportions and personal goals determine the surgical approach and implant options


The surgery will be performed under general anaesthetic, which means you are asleep and won’t be able to feel any pain during the whole procedure. You will stay one night at our state of the art hospital and have full access to all our service and care. You will be discharged from the hospital the day after your operation.

Some swelling and discomfort is likely to occur and it usually peaks around day 2 or 3 and then starts to subside. The painkillers we prescribe for your healing journey will help you feel more comfortable. Your first post op check is at 3 weeks after the procedure, where we will monitor your results, inspect the incisions and remove any sutures. After 6 months you will have another post op check and we will then take your “after pictures”.

Following your 6-months check up we will offer you a post op check every other year for 10 years after your breast augmentation. We also provide you with a complimentary ultrasound scan of your breasts with our in-house Radiologist to thoroughly monitor your implants.

Risks and complication

As with all surgery there are associated risks and potential complications. Some risks are related to surgery itself such as swelling, redness, bleeding, pain or a reaction to anaesthesia. These are all quite common experiences in the first few weeks in the healing journey. Patients are given direct contact details to our medical team once discharged, should they want to discuss any post surgical concerns.

Here we list the most common long-term complications
that have to do with breast augmentation,
and the fact that a breast augmentation introduces a
foreign material into the body – the implant.

Capsular contracture

As when any implant is inserted into the body, such as with breast implants, an immune response will trigger the body to create a scar tissue around the foreign object. In some cases the collagen fibre tissue capsule shrinks and tightens and compresses the implant. This can make the breasts feel hard and give them a unnatural look, this condition is called capsular contracture.
The problem of capsule contraction around breast implants
has always existed and no clear cause has been established. In the 70’s,
they managed to reduce the risk by placing the smooth implants that were
then used deeper, under the large pectoral muscle. Later, in the 80’s,i
mplants were developed with an uneven, textured surface, which further
reduced the risk and again, with a relatively small risk of capsule contraction,
the implants could be placed both in front of and behind the pectoral muscle.

The following are believed to increase the risk of developing
capsule contraction:

  • Transmitted bacterial infection. Bacterial contamination and / or
    prolonged bacterial contamination of the implant casing can cause
    an inflammatory reaction, leading to shrinkage of the capsule.
  • Subglandular location. Breast implants placed above
    the muscle tend to have a higher frequency of capsule
    contraction, compared to breast implants placed below the muscle.
  • Infection. Capsule contraction seems to occur more often in connection with infections.
  • Serum (fluid formation). If you have had a serum,
    it may increase the risk of capsule formation.
  • Hematoma (bleeding). A hematoma can cause an inflammatory reaction,
    which can lead to capsule contraction.

Currently there is 10% risk of capsular contracture within 10 years after all breast augmentation that are performed around the world. Studies have shown that with the implant choice and method we use at Victoriakliniken we have a statistic below 5% risk of capsular contracture of the last 15 years.

The goal at Victoriakliniken is to have a zero risks of capsular contracture, which we actively are working on. Our efforts have brought us to today’s statistic of 2-4%.
You can read more about this in our statistics section.

Capsule contraction can be surgically remedied by so-called
capsule cleavage, which is usually performed no earlier than six
months after the breast augmentation operation. However, it is important
to remedy a capsule contraction as soon as possible as otherwise the tissue
around the implant will gradually thin out. There is a 50% risk that
a new capsule contraction will occur despite this surgery.

Unique warranty program for breast augmentation

  • 10 years of follow-up with ultrasound
  • 5 year guarantee against complications
  • One day overnight
  • Special bra Included free of charge

Dr. Marie Jaeger

“All of our treatments are included in our warranty program.
This means that we always follow up your treatment and ensure the quality of the results. ”

Read More

Client reviews

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for
my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained
flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath
periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have had complexes for
my undeveloped breasts. They stopped growing and remained
flat. I hid it through padded bras. Vacation and bath
periods were the worst. Always looking long and hard… ”

Erikas bröstoperation


We have chosen not to have a fixed price guide as every patient is unique and have different prerequisites. At the patient’s clinic consultation we will together discuss which surgical approaches and options are available to reach a beautiful and harmonious result. We always endeavour to be completely transparent at every stage of your journey with us which is why all prices quoted are complete and inclusive. There are no hidden extra costs. In the surgical cost we include: anaesthesia, medication, post op checks, compression garments and bras, meals and overnight stay where needed.

We include VAT in the cost we give you. Cosmetic treatments are since 2014/2015 VAT charged. There is no VAT on treatments and surgery that are performed for medical reasons.

Ingrepp/Behandling Från (inkl. moms)
Bröstförstoring inkl. garanti 48 000 kr

Ingår: Logi, läkemedel, anestesi & kompressionsplagg


Det finns möjligheter att delbetala din behandling. Uppskatta din avbetalning nedan.
Lån: 10000 kr
Avbetalning: 10 mån
Din plan:
ca. 1000 kr/mån